The development of any accounting system requires consideration of the underlying purpose of that system. In Nigeria, government accounting processes have been conducted within the general framework of the principles of fund accounting but the application of these principles to financial reporting has been a major challenge. This study examined the impacts of adoption of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) on the quality of public sector organizations in Nigeria. Primary and Secondary sources of data were employed. ANOVA SPSS was employed. Findings from the study showed that adoption of IPSAS would improve the quality of financial reporting of public sector organizations in Nigeria. In addition, it was found that the adoption of the standard would help in curbing corruption and mismanagement in the public sector. It was concluded that IPSASs adoption would improve the performances of government enterprises. The study recommended that government should ensure full implementation and compliance with the standard in Public organizations. Therefore, the adoption of IPSAS is expected to influence the operating procedures and reporting practices of public sector organizations in Nigeria.